Integrated database for experimental data

Within the Collaborative Research Center / Transregio 124 “Pathogenic fungi and their human host: Networks of Interaction – FungiNet”, the INF project is responsible to analyse and share OMICS data. Databases help to foster the collaboration within FungiNet as an important point of the Collaborative Research Center. Therefore, we set-up two databases:

a) SEEK is a web-based platform to find, share and exchange unstructured data and knowledge, such as project descriptions, presentations, posters, meeting reports, SOPs, experiment descriptions and data (in future with link to FuniNet DB), etc. This database is available for you since 2012. For details how to register and use SEEK: see our E-mails.

b) The datawarehouse FungiNetDB. It is used for structured data, e.g. high-throughput expression data. This database offers the possibility for advanced search, visualization and analysis. Today, we give you informations how to use FungiNetDB. FungiNetDB currently stores gene expression data and experimental descriptions generated within FungiNet but also downloaded from public resources. The datawarehouse allows for standard visualisation of gene expression data.

Here is the link to FungiNetDB

Aims of the FungiNet INF project are:

  • Support sharing and exchange of data, models and expertise (e. g., SOPs)
  • Pre-processing and standardised analysis of experimental data
  • Direct and support further experiments and modeling via information retrieval
  • Web-based platform and service to foster collaboration and standardisation within the FungiNet consortium
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