
What is a Presentation?
12 Presentations visible to you, out of a total of 253
No description specified

Creator: Kerstin Günther

Submitter: Kerstin Günther

No description specified

Creator: Kerstin Günther

Submitter: Kerstin Günther

No description specified

Creator: Kerstin Hünniger

Submitter: Kerstin Hünniger

No description specified

Creator: Esther Klaile

Submitter: Esther Klaile

No description specified

Creator: Jan-Philipp Praetorius

Submitter: Jan-Philipp Praetorius

No description specified

Creator: Kerstin Günther

Submitter: Kerstin Günther

Presentation for C1 project from the internal FungiNet lecture on 18.01.2022

Creator: Jakob Sprague

Submitter: Jakob Sprague

No description specified

Creator: Sarah Vielreicher

Submitter: Sarah Vielreicher

Talk at internal seminar in Jena_21.11.2017

Creators: Toni Förster, Selene Mogavero, Bernhard Hube, Lydia Kasper, Stefanie Allert

Submitter: Toni Förster

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