What is a Study?Filters
Aspergillus nidulans R21 was grown over night in AMM at 37°C and 200 rpm. The culture was treated with 50 µM farnesol or the same volume of ethanol without farnesol as control. The culture was harvested after 3 hours of further incubation.
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Temperature Shift Proteomic
Assays: pooled standard gels
Aspergillus fumigatus ATCC46645 grown of mycelium in overnight (20 h) shaking flask (YPD at 37°C / 200 rpm)
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Proteomic profiling of serological responses to...
Assays: Vergleichsgel
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Receptor deletion (GprC/GprD)
Assays: deltaGprD80.63 gels
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Receptor deletion (GprC/GprD)
Assays: deltaGprC80.3 gels
pool of both samples
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Proteom analysis of AFUA_4G09810 (Delta horA)
Assays: 2D gels
100 mL AMM were inoculated with 10E7 conidia and incubated at 37°C and 200 rpm until half of the avaiable glucose was consumed
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Proteom analysis of AFUA_4G09810 (Delta horA)
Assays: 2D gels
100 mL AMM were inoculated with 10E7 conidia and incubated at 37°C and 200 rpm until half of the avaiable glucose was consumed
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Proteom analysis of AFUA_4G09810 (Delta horA)
Assays: 2D gels
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Long-term adaptation to hypoxic conditions
Assays: Transcriptomics
Differentially synthesized proteins of A. fumigatus under hypoxic vs. normoxic by comparison of protein extracts of the whole mycelium.
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Long-term adaptation to hypoxic conditions
Assays: 2D gel images
Differentially synthesized proteins of A. fumigatus under hypoxic vs. normoxic by comparison of protein extracts of the isolated mitochondria.
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Long-term adaptation to hypoxic conditions
Assays: 2D gel images
Cultivation of A. fumigatus in a oxygen controlled, glucose-limited chemostat under aeration with normal air resulting in a pO2 of 21% oxygen
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Long-term adaptation to hypoxic conditions
Assays: 2D gel images
Cultivation of A. fumigatus in a oxygen controlled, glucose-limited chemostat under aeration with a mixture of nitrogen and normal air resulting in a pO2 of 0.2% oxygen
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Long-term adaptation to hypoxic conditions
Assays: 2D gel images
Cultivation of A. fumigatus CEA17 delta akuB for 16 hours on AMM + 1% (w/v) xylose, for additional 4 hours on AMM without xylose
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Comparative proteomic analysis of the xylp-tor ...
Assays: 2D gels
Cultivation of A. fumigatus xylp-tor for 16 hours on AMM + 1% (w/v) xylose, for additional 4 hours on AMM without xylose
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Comparative proteomic analysis of the xylp-tor ...
Assays: 2D gels
Proteome Map of the mycelium of Aspergillus fumigatus
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Proteome Map of Aspergillus fumigatus
Assays: Mastergel mycelium
Proteome Map of the mitochondrion of Aspergillus fumigatus
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Proteome Map of Aspergillus fumigatus
Assays: Mastergel mitochondrion
Proteome Map of the conidia of Aspergillus fumigatus
Submitter: Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt
Investigation: Proteome Map of Aspergillus fumigatus
Assays: Mastergel conidia 3-11 NL, Mastergel conidia 3-7 NL, Mastergel conidia 6-9, Mastergel conidia 7-11 NL