I study the analysis of high-throughput transcriptom and genome data.
For transcritom data (RNA-Seq, microarrays), I perform preprocessing and statistics to identify differentially expressed genes, as well as their functional analysis. My main focus is the analysis of transcriptom data from human fungal pathogens in infection related conditions (f.e. nutrient limitation) as well as during the interaction with the host (dual RNA-seq). Experimental data is used to set up mathematical models for ...
Projects: A1, A2, A3, A4 (E), A5, A6, B1, B2, B4, B5, C2, C1, C3, C4 (E), C5, C6 (E), FungiNet A - Aspergillus projects, FungiNet B - Bioinformatics projects, FungiNet C - Candida projects, FungiNet total, INF, Z1, Z2, B3 (E), A7, A8, C7
Institutions: Leibniz-Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology Hans Knöll Institute (HKI) FungiNet total, INF, A1, A2, A3, A4 (E), A5, A6, B1, B2, B3 (E), B4, B5, C1, C2, C3, C4 (E), C5, C6 (E), FungiNet A - Aspergillus projects, FungiNet B - Bioinformatics projects, FungiNet C - Candida projects, Z1, Z2
Institutions: Leibniz-Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)